A Night of Thanksgiving Bin Making
Rooted Generosity capped off a busy season of generosity by gathering, once again, to build Thanksgiving Dinner Totes for eight Whatcom families. Delivered through a partnership with Grace Baptist Fellowship in Lynden, the totes come with a turkey and all the trimmings.
We each carried in one or more of a list of 14 dinner components - including delicious Pumpkin Pies - and built the bins in a flurry of fun and sharing. Then we sat down to share what has become our "Thanksgiving Tote Building" traditional dinner - grilled cheese sandwiches (think bacon, apples, and lots of cheddar) and delicious homemade soups.
As you can see from all the smiles, it was a happy evening.
Special thanks to everyone who schlepped and gathered, shopped and crafted, and laughed and lifted. Once again, Casey Burton donated his incredible event space just around the corner from Jordan's apartment in downtown Bellingham - aptly called "The Happy Place" - to give us a place to live generously. Thank you Eireann Warren and your team from Trader Joe's for the amazing donations.
Jordan loved Thanksgiving. He was the gravy maker extraordinaire in 2015 - and so it is always fun to do this good work as an extension of his legacy.

Forty helping hands. Twenty generous hearts.
Eight bin dinners - with the turkeys in Jordan's green bags - ready for delivery.