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Generously Wrapping Up 2017

On Sunday, November 19th, thirty plus vintage and new friends gathered to share a meal and build six Thanksgiving Totes. The totes were filled with everything a family would need for a complete Thanksgiving dinner. Special touches of centerpieces, candles, and fun activities for the kids were included in each tote. We not only built the totes together, but as we built, we shared about ourselves, and deepened our relationships.

During the week of December 5th-7th, Jordan’s people generously collected and gave toys for the 2017 Community Toy Store. These toys, together with toys given from people all over Whatcom County, served to stock the community toy store. An unprecedented number of families were able to access the toy store this year. Jordan’s legacy of generosity was extended through all of us.

On Thursday, December 21st, we gathered for an Open House. We shared Christmas cookies, cocoa, and fun Jordan memories.

While preparing for the Open House, John Mark and Mona reminisced about Christmases past, remembering how one of Jordan’s favorite Christmas gifts was cash. They laughed about his reaction the year that Santa brought Jordan and his brother money trees - it had made for an epic Christmas morning. So with Jordan in mind, John Mark and Mona gave mini-money trees to their open house guests. Guests were invited to use the money to fund an act of generosity either for themselves or others.

Thanks to all who have lived generously in 2017. We look forward to continuing to grow community through kindness in 2018. People are the greatest gifts.

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